Employee Emergency Assistance Program
This program launched July 1, 2021
The Episcopal Homes Employee Emergency Assistance Program (EEAP) program provides limited financial assistance for unmet needs in response to an unexpected temporary financial hardship.
You may request assistance of $200 - $1,000 once every twelve months if you face an occurrence of an unexpected event causing financial hardship. Please only request the dollar amount required to ease the emergency so funds remain available for all who face a crisis. Checks are mailed directly to the business provider (property owner, car service station, utility company etc.) and assistance is based on available funding.

The program is possible through the generous donations of residents, families, employees, community members, and local companies. We are grateful to be able to offer small grants to employees during challenging times in their lives.
Work an average minimum of 10 hours per week
Employed with Episcopal Homes a minimum of 6 months
In good standing at work
Meet the financial income guidelines (listed on application)
Qualifying Event
A temporary financial hardship is one caused by a specific event such as:
Illness or injury
Loss of household wages that affects your ability to pay basic needs
Circumstances such as a crime, fire, or domestic abuse
An unforeseen major expense creating financial hardship
Eligible Expenses – Basic Needs
Rent or mortgage payment
Utility bills
Food scarcity
Medical bills (not covered by insurance)
Car repairs (not covered by insurance)
Application Process
The EEAP is administered in partnership with Episcopal Homes Human Resources, Foundation, and Spiritual Life Team and all are committed to protecting confidentiality and security of personal information.
Human Resources verifies eligibility requirements. The Spiritual Life team accepts the applications, reviews, and engages a committee for final grant decisions based on guidelines and available funding. The Foundation processes the financial request and issues a check to the business vendor. Submitting a grant application does not guarantee support.
A member of the Spiritual Life Team will contact you following the committee decision.
If you need assistance filling out the form, contact Human Resources. To discuss an exception hardship outside the guidelines, please contact the Spiritual Life Team at EEAP@episcopalhomes.org.
Only completed applications are considered. Turnaround time is four to eight business days once complete information is received.
Additional Resources
This is a limited list of community resources for basic assistance. Please reach out to your local county and community resources depending on where you live.
Additional Resources Links:
United Way Support Resource List (covers all of MN) United Way 211 – 211 Site (211unitedway.org)
Ramsey County Financial Assistance Financial Assistance | Ramsey County
MN Dept of Commerce Energy Assistance Program / Minnesota.gov (mn.gov)
Xcel Energy Energy Assistance | Xcel Energy
Community Action Partnership-Ramsey & Washington Counties Energy, Food, Housing support Overview : Energy, Food, Housing : Services : Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties (caprw.org)
MN Food Helpline Minnesota Food HelpLine - Hunger Solutions
Ramsey County Housing Services & Support Housing Services & Support | Ramsey County
Keystone Crisis Support Crisis Support – Keystone Community Services (keystoneservices.org)