New faces in Foundation and Marketing
The Foundation and Marketing departments have both recently added new team members. Please welcome Cindy Iverson, Marketing/Communications Director, and Susan Marschalk, Development Officer, to the Episcopal Homes family. They both office out of the basement of Iris Park Commons.
Cindy Iverson
Cindy comes to us from Jones-Harrison Residence in Minneapolis where she managed the development and marketing programs; she also served as the Marketing Director at Martin Luther Campus in Bloomington. Prior to her time in senior care, she used her fundraising and marketing skills to support healthcare initiatives, including helping to establish a countrywide series of 5K races called “Get Your Rear in Gear” that increased awareness and screening for colorectal cancer. She has lived in the Twin Cities for nearly 30 years but you will hear from her accent that she grew up in Massachusetts. During non-pandemic years, Cindy and her husband love to travel, visiting family and friends on both coasts, and hope for a return visit to a favorite spot–England–soon.
Susan Marschalk
Susan joined the Episcopal Homes Development and Marketing Team at the end of October. Her mother lived at Seabury for a number of years, and during that time Susan built relationships with staff, and experienced our work first hand. Prior to joining us, Susan was the Executive Director of Minnesota Network of Hospice & Palliative Care. She brings over 35 years of experience in development and nonprofit leadership.
Meet Cindy Iverson, Episcopal Homes’ new Marketing and Communications Director.
Meet Susan Marschalk, Development Officer.